Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Decision: How I celebrate Fathers' Day

Since my son became a daddy just before my Dad died, celebrating Fathers' Day for me has centered around him and his children. This year was no exception, although it also means planning around the race at MIS. (I never do a very good job of getting in and out without having to drive MILES out of my way, but I love the time I spend with him and them.) This year I added a stop because I didn't get to the cemetery on Memorial Day. I visited my Dad too. Then, at the end of the day, I stop by the farm see Mom.
I had decided to plant some annual flowers to help give Aaron's place, which is becoming a full fledged construction zone (settlement is in after the fire and he has begun preparations for the rebuild) that "Welcome" feel. When I was there on Saturday, I transplanted some Lilies of the Valley, and begun weeding the only patch in the front of the house that is not scheduled to change. So, when I arrived on Sunday, I was armed with a few flowers I have left over from my own flower pots and a gallon jug of water. Brooke and Ethan came with lunch (Angelica had to go back to Clinton on Sunday to Great Grandma Procter's funeral). As Aaron came to the front of the house, he said, 'looks good, Ma', then he sat down to eat. After ten minutes or so he turned to me and said, in a concerned tone, 'are those going to need to be watered this week?' Brooke laughed as she told him she had planted flowers like that before and they don't seem to mind not being watered. I told him that was why I brought the gallon of water and I would pray for rain for the week! LOL....he was relieved......then he returned to his Fathers' Day celebration, pre-fabbing his new walls!


Bob and Molly said...

You were brave to plant those. You know your children change their minds on a whime! Thanks for yet another cry!

Bob and Molly said...

Did you set the timer on your camera? Or ask someone to take your picture?

Marlys said...

After I planted the flowers, Aaron told me he would try not to get any of the Roundup on them when he sprayed the weeds. I banking he will not have sprayed the RU before I get back there this weekend to finish pulling the remaining weeds. Roundup....does he think he is still on the FARM! (I was thinking more of using Preen.) It was enough to make ME cry.....! (giggling)

Marlys said...

See that rock in the second pic down? It took the picture...only took two tries. Nice job isn't it!

Bob and Molly said...

Yes. The rock took a nice picture. Doesn't it freak you out a little how well I know you?