Monday, June 9, 2008

Decision: What? Now I'll have NO privacy?

This over a juniper? Last time I took Angelica home she was shocked to see that the decision had been made to cut down the over grown ornamental juniper-type tree outside her window. I was puzzled at first over her reaction until I realized it meant now she would be able to get to the window to wash it! Could that have had anything to do with her dismay.....LOL. Since I didn't hear her say 'Oh goodie, now I can wash the window' I'm gonna assume that was the reason for the negative outburst. Seems kids react the same about washing windows no matter which generation they are from.

PS: Going home wasn't all bad for her....this put a smile on her face (no pun intended). I don't know how well you can see it but somebody mowed the hill side off the drive to her Mom's with a "smiley face". It's pretty cool!


Bob and Molly said...

Wait a minute. . .some being upset about a tree being cut down. . .does this sound familiar? When did this happen? Maybe she just has some of her Grandma in her!!!

Bob and Molly said...

You think a long time about these titles, don't you?

Marlys said...

Titles? (giggling) You have no idea how long or how many times I change them until they say what I want. Some still don't and I get tempted to change them...LOL

Trees? I'm not sure which incident you are referring to but some have wiped out entire childhood memories. And, yes, I get a "little" choked up over that (she says smiling with a far-away-trying-to-recall look). I just can't help it (you know me so well!)

Bob and Molly said...

oh, I think that I have some idea, thus the reason that I posted the question!

Just remember when you move here, according to Jordan my interenet is all messed up.

Jordan Richardson said...

I think they should have mowed the Sprint logo in the grass now that would impress me!

Gram said...

It should cut down on the insects that seems to cling to the bushes until you walk near them and then fly up all around your face. Actually I don't like bushes so close to the house because of my cloustaphobia. I know I must have misspelled that, but Oh well, you know what I'm getting at, those of you who know me. Mom, Gram, Great Granny, Greet Granny,

Bob and Molly said...

Gram - I am so proud of you for posting a comment. You will be a computer whiz soon.