Saturday, June 7, 2008

Decision: Healthy Is As Healthy Does

This is merely a synopsis of a conversation Amanda and I had and my opinion of the outcome: it's just me thinking out loud. This decision is something she has been thinking about, though it could be any one of us.....especially me.
Ah, but how to get from 'here' to 'healthy' for less, that is her dilemma. Amanda's concern is that she cannot afford to buy healthier foods which she defines as fresh, unprocessed, and colorful. I thought: 'she can't see the possibilities for the dollar signs'; then I suggested she consider that her current grocery list consists of no vegetables and only a few fruits from time to time. I also suggested that she make only one change to get started. For instance, and to save money, she could start with canned or frozen fruits and veggies, on sale - lose some weight, start to feel better, require less food, leaving more money for the raw, unprocessed, more expensive healthier choices. Don't look at me like that; it could work.....! Her boys could benefit too, from trying some of these foods and finding that they like them, thus getting started on a healthy path with her. Granted, it could take a few months, but it's a start (and worth it!). I think she is 'mulling it over', but it's hard to tell.
I also thought of a couple other keys to eating healthier: planning and cooking. You have to take the time to "think outside the box", literally! (She makes a mean macaroni and cheese, or spaghetti, or just noodles with butter on them, but always seems to be pressed for time to put something else with it!)
Well, that's my two cents worth. I'll check with you another time to see what her 'mulling' came up with.....(sighs, then smiles).
PS: Picture is of fruit I keep at my desk (on my docking station) from time to time. Yum-my!


Bob and Molly said...

Well, you could also share with her that her fruit and veggies are cheap compared to some. A Mary and U Phil saw with their own eyes that watermelon is $9.98. That is not a typo!!! Also, call Ashley W, she said on her blog that she has so many strawberries, she doesn't know what to do with them. She may be willing to give a few away! Yummy!

Bob and Molly said...

One more thing, how long did you sit and arrange and rearrange the fruit before you took the picture? Honest answer.

Marlys said...

Why, whatever do you mean (she asks innocently) did you know! I am not completely certain exactly how long because I kept rearranging them throughout the day until I thought they looked like a picture. Originally there were two bananas, but I got hungry.

Bob and Molly said...

Jordan, I hope you are reading these comments. Oh, she's my mother!

Jordan Richardson said...

Oh trust me I'm reading them!!! its keeping life very interesting!