Friday, June 6, 2008

Decision: How to handle summer vacation

(You've heard this song before, you know the beat) Scho oo oo l's out for the Summer! Personally, I used to love that song, for about half an hour when the kids were school age. You know, until they realized they won't see friends much (if at all) and their mean-ole-mom (namely me) had lots of things for them to do (not allowing them to be bored, hopefully).
But, nowadays, it's a whole different scenario......or is it! This is how it played out at our household: within fifteen minutes from the time that Devin, Denver, and Amanda walked through the door (I told you she wouldn't let him walk home alone a second day!) it was, 'I am bored' from Devin, Denver was putchy (because he had to come inside), and Amanda was trying to explain that she had lots planned for the next two days....the highlight of which was cleaning the entire apartment. Not what either one of them wanted to hear! So, half an hour after summer vacation started, I asked Amanda if she was ready for it to be over. She rolled her eyes and said, 'ya think'?!?!?!
Well, they all got through that initial school's-out-what-do-we-do-for-fun difference of opinion, the apartment got cleaned (including their room), and the boys talked their Mom into some fun stuff.
As for me, looking at the pictures I took of Devin and Denver the last day I walked with them to the school, I can't imagine that these two will have any trouble entertaining themselves, each other, and all the rest of us.....LOL!
PS: Devin was being a real "ham" as I was taking these...but the last is a picture of his 'let's go already' poise! His body language can sure get his message across....LOL


Bob and Molly said...

So does that mean your room got cleaned also?

Marlys said...

Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, touches my's too hazardous! (grin)
Apparently you missed the point about how they can decide to entertain themselves with their antics despite what Mom has planned. (Try to focus on the positive.., she says chuckling!)

Jordan Richardson said...

Anyone who was smart would stay far away from your room ;-0

Marlys said...

Alright you two (Molly and Jordan that is, as I am sure Bob wouldn't say anything like least not out loud)! Try to focus on something other than my room before I have to resort to hand signals.

Jordan Richardson said...

Covering our eyes with your hands does not constitute "hand signals" LMAO ;-)

Marlys said...

The hand signal I was thinking of was "hault"!
Besides, I'm sure I'd have to stand on my tippy-toes to reach your eyes and I don't do well on my tippy-toes! LOL