Thursday, June 23, 2011

This PLAN 'sabotage thingie' must be going around.......

Yesterday....well, last night....I had a plan (I had been thinking about it for a couple days-----don't want to rush into anything you know). Anyway, we have talked about moving my living room around to accommodate video game playing since even before we moved the TV. This required that I be willing to 'give up' some of the precious items I have collected over the years. So you can see why it took so long for me to get to it.

But, now I am ready. I wanted to do it when nobody was around so I could think it through without a second opinion......never mind that I am NOT going to be the one playing these video games.....sounds like a 'corporate decision' now doesn't it! I made my initial furniture moves and in through the door came Aaron. "Moving the living room around"? as he heads for the hall closet. My first thought was: 'Lord, what could possibly be in there that HE wants......'? I forgot about the accessories to his video driving games. He pulls out the steering wheel, the 'gas' peddle, and starts to hunt for the power cord.

I was 10 minutes away from creating a different set up for the TV antenna (it usually has to sit on things to get it between 3 1/2 to 5 feet off the floor. Currently it was sitting on a stack of movies and games on a plant stand on a folding chair. Which, to my chagrin, were all right in the way of Aaron finding his power cord).

Ok, all is found and Aaron appears to be ready to go to 221 (he even restacked my 'antenna tower' and tried to get the station to hold a and sigh). This time home from CT, Aaron had mentioned that he was going to take the PS3 over to his house to play on his 'big screen' TV. I got curious and asked him what prompted doing it tonight (remember how I have been planning for months to move the furniture......), he said at 221 he would be able to 'play the games WITH cursing and not 'turn the air blue' like he does at my house. I appreciate that......I truly do! And, now I have a partially rearranged living room with no purpose......LOL Not to worry, it gets COLD in his house in the Winter. He'll be back!

Oh, on his way out the door I asked him if this meant I wouldn't see him again. He invited me over to watch him play....he even offered to move the loveseat out in the 'kitchen/living room area' so I would be comfortable. Let's see.....loud, big screen TV, more cursing (more and louder cursing), I think I'll take my chances that he'll get hungry or need clean clothes and wait it out in my own home. (Aaron tells me this morning he had the volume was turned up to 78 and Karen mentioned she had a hard time sleeping last night......go figure.....).

Now, if I could only figure out how to make the Wii work so Grandma Marlys could get good enough at some one of these games to beat ALL those boys, big and little............giggles......

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