Monday, July 7, 2008

Decision: The Lesser of Two Evils?

On the way to my car today to head off to work I noticed a guy on a bicycle. Immediately I think, 'how cool, he is out exercising; it's a beautiful day for it; I really need to do that'. As we moved closer, I noticed he was lighting a cigarette. My delight immediately changes, I rolled my eyes and shrugged in disgust. Then I think, 'who am I to judge', get in my car and headed for work.
But, I couldn't stop thinking about that scenario. What was his motivation? Then I realized that he might be riding the bicycle to save on gas...that's good, 'green' too. Or could it be that he is on the bicycle so he can afford to buy cigarettes....I chuckled and think, it's really not funny that he is doing good for the environment and humanity as a whole by riding a bicycle rather than driving and buying gasoline, but smoking? it the lesser of two evils? Do I go with the philosophical or with this: I wonder if cycling while smoking really is a way to stay healthy...LOL! Doesn't one cancel out the other; is it truly the lesser of two evils? Cycling while leaves so much room for doubt! LOL

1 comment:

Bob and Molly said...

What the heck, another "throw it in" post. I almost missed this one. This made me laugh, because when Bob and I are hiking he will be way in front of me, climing a hill and smoking a cig, then when he beats me to the top, he takes a break, finshes his smoke and still isn't huffing and puffing like me. Ask Tristan, she knows what I am talking about, she's seen it.