Friday, July 11, 2008

Decision: Going Green When You Can't Carpool!

I have asked, but nobody I work with wants to carpool with me.....the idea of working 1PM to 10PM makes them shutter.
Though I don't do enough 'going green' I do make the effort. It's easy when I visit Mom, she's organized her whole house to be green and as long as you can remember which container is for what.... wait, if she catches you putting something in the wrong container, she 'helps' you remember....LOL!
My efforts to 'go green' at home consist of recycling plastic grocery bags and using real plates, glasses, forks, knives, and spoons (we have a dishwasher). But, the area where I feel I am making the most progress is in gasoline. I started out by packing my lunch to limit the number of trips I make with my car. Then I decided to limit the number of errands I run, which also helped with how much money I spend. My bank is across town, so to eliminate driving there to make withdrawals, I started banking on line and/or not spending money (again a two-fold money saving effort). I had already been setting my cruise control to keep from speeding on my way to work and so I drive a consistent speed.
As I began to increase my MPGs, I wanted to do more. Drive under 50 mph, I read somewhere, would make a difference. Since I live in town and only go to my Mom's or Aaron's on the weekend, 80% of the time I do drive under 50. But I thought 'wonder if it makes a difference'? so I started driving 45mph when I leave work. My MPG improved a little more and I began to realize that if I wait until 11PM to leave work, the light at Wolf Creek/Sand Creek and 223 and at Industrial Drive and 223 are flashing and I don't have to change my speed. I chose 45 MPH because that is the speed posted as you approach the light at M52 and US223, so I am able to maintain a consistent speed for three of the four miles I drive home.
At last fill-up, all of this effort had changed my MPG from 26 to almost 32 AND I'm filling up only every two weeks!
Another benefit from traveling slower....I actually get to notice some cool stuff and I'm not nearly as stressed when I arrive at my destination! This all works for me because I do not have to deal with 'rush hour' traffic!

PS: I don't know what happened with this last tank of gasoline (maybe expensive Regular Gas is better for the car.....giggles) but, I will make it three weeks on this one tank! And that is awesome in my book! (Not as good as Ashley Marie though. She goes four weeks on one tank of gas....I think she pushes her car some of the time ... just kidding Ashley....that would be Jordan!)


Jordan Richardson said...

"I have asked, but nobody I work with wants to carpool with me...." First thing comes to mind- your co-workers probably don't want to ride on the hood during the winter months. I mean I know you have the seats inside packed with stuff? Somethings never change ;-)

Marlys said...

I should have known you would focus on that instead of how well I am doing keeping the milage up and the gas expense are so funny Jordan....LOL!
I was all prepared with a come back if you teased me about driving slow.

Bob and Molly said...

But alas, he went the other way. Actually, I am happy that you are so concerned with "going green". That way when you move here and we hand you a bike, rain gear and a backpack you'll make the connection easily.