Now I am off to clean up the kitchen and bed. Molly has spent so much time in the Eastern Time Zone this year that she adapts very quickly and is up quite early. More news soon!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sorting is TOTALLY slow going........
Molly has been cleaning circles around my sorting! Tomorrow we set up the yard permitting. It is great having her here :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Molly's back in Michigan; Aaron is leaving.......giggles
No, not because Molly is here. Aaron and Karen are at a race in KY.
Molly got in about 8:15 PM last night and Aaron and Karen left about 9:30 this ships that pass in the night. They will hook up on Sunday night again for a week of getting ready for the reunions.........Class of 1991 and Heimerdinger Family.
Gotta go....catch more on Facebook or Molly's blog!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
At LAST.... I can get to the bean bag chairs ....
Is it HALF yet?!?!
I tell you....scooping the beads out a handful at a time I should be at least half by now!
Mission accomplished!
I volunteered to wash these bean bag chairs for Devin and Denver way back on June 5th when we 'scrubbed down' and 'washed up' the apartment so it would be ready for Devin when he got home. I actually only had the red one at first, later Amanda found the blue bag and I bought more 'beans' to re-stuff the chairs once I got them laundered.
Finally, ready to start the process.....I couldn't figure out how to get the bags unzipped. No 'pull' on the zipper. Ashley originally stuffed the bags so I called her. She was doing her "Sleeping Beauty" thing and was less than coherent! On Sunday I took one of the bags to Farmers' Market and Ashley helped me figure it out.
Ok, the bags are empty, washed, and I am ready to re-stuff them. My objective was to do that with as little mess as possible. I did manage that but it took me , seemingly, forever! First I was using my hand to scoop beads out of that large bag because it was not practical for one person to 'pour' them into the chair. Scoop, scoop, scoop......there has got to be a better way! I decided on a glass 4-cup measuring vessel. Scoop, scoop, about twice as much at a time! At least I think I can see the bag of beads getting emptier.....LOL
So, it's done now and I am going to deliver them tomorrow when I watch those boys while Amanda and Scott work. Oh........better put them in the car so I don't forget.....!
RE-purpose, RE-cycle, RE-turn, RE-lease, RE-use, RE-move
No matter how you say it, being GREEN is a big job. I have to admit I had gotten away from it over the past couple months. Today though is the day to 'get back' to where I belong (hey, isn't there a Beatles song with those words in it?)
Out of the shed yesterday I removed two huge bags of recycle stuff. Today I will make a trip to the Center, behind Leoni Township building, to deposit those items and plenty more collected from around the house.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Feeling Sporty? Give this a try.......
Match the movie title to the sport:
1. The Color of Money
2. Tin Cup
3. National Velvet
4. Breaking Away
5. Blue Chips
6. The Stratton Story
7. The Freshman
8. Fat City
9. Cool Runnings
10. Days of Thunder
A. Basketball
B. Four-man Bobsled
C. Pool
D. Horse racing (Steeplechase)
E. Boxing
F. Stock car racing
G. Golf
H. Football
I. Bicycle racing
J. Baseball
Answers are in Comments so don't peek until you have made your choices :)
Tall Weeds First......
wasn't long before one of them caught on to the fact that no matter how many tall weeds you pull there are always 'tall' weeds.......giggles.
Ok, so maybe I mislead them a little ....... but they were really good sports about it and did a fine job! What is more, they said they are going to keep helping pull weeds throughout the Summer.
Before they were pulling weeds they helped me organize the floor space in the shed. Again, they did a fine job. I put them to pulling weeds while I swept the floor to put things back. Aaron has grandiose plans for organizing and finishing the shed later in the year. With his layout, what we did today, and the yard sale that is coming up, it should be looking good before Winter. Well, it's a good start anyway.
Guest Bowler Here Today!
I found this on Facebook and to my surprise, I can read it!
Been playing "Leader of the Laundromat'............
right here at home......or at least that's what it feels like I have been doing for the last two days. Laundry for an off and on family of seven that gives me flashbacks to when I was a teen! But, all the dirty clothes are caught up now.....well, until I get ready for bed, that is, and then it all begins again....YOU know what I mean.....SIGH......
Monday, June 27, 2011
Countdown to 'Summer of Molly'.....and were off!
I had some excellent help today getting organized for Molly's visit.
Two helpers with a list of chores and a desire to go outside and play.....great motivator!
All kidding aside, I am very proud of the nice job they did.....and I am starting a list for tomorrow (just in case they are spending the day with Grandma Marlys again).
Sunday, June 26, 2011
To market, to market......home again, home again......
Back at Mom's money counted and then to Big Boy to eat. Met up with Ruth and Ashley at Amanda's afterwards for our crash course in Devin's care as this week Amanda is going back to work and we will be taking turns watching both boys in Tecumseh. It was mind boggling at first but just until I got a chance to run over it in my mind again and talk it out with Mom. Amanda has notes for us and is just a phone call away. It will be nice to spend some quality time with Devin and Denver again.
By the way, I was quite impressed by Denver's bathroom etiquette and hand sanitizing knowledge. I was going into the bathroom as Denver was coming out and this is what he told me: 'Aunt Marlys, you HAVE to wash your hands with this soap then dry your hands with this towel and then use this hand sanitizer....DON'T forget!' Do you think he has been told that a time or two?!?!
I was NOT, however, impressed by the cat that came out from under the sink when I was standing with my leg against the door while Amanda was showing me where the extra hand soap and sanitizer are stored. Scared the living daylights out of me! As you can well imagine, Amanda was extremely amused.
And for now, giggidy, gig, gig..........
Real Basket Cases off to Farmers' Market at Cambridge Junction
Here is a view of our booth from the back.
(See any baskets you like? We'll take your money any day of the week, not just Sunday!)
Because the market runs over 'lunch' there is a potluck at noon. Each vendor brings a dish to pass, pays $1 per booth, and takes turns watching each others wares while we go get a sample of the spread. The money collected is used for a 'meat dish' of some kind which Dave and Marcy Brainard take care of. (I just realized that Sunday I call the 'noon' meal Dinner while I call the meals for the other days of the week Breakfast, Lunch, Supper or Dinner. Seems I give Sunday its own unique designation for each meal: Breakfast or Brunch, Sunday Dinner, then 'grazing', followed by 'you-better-eat-something-before-bedtime' snack.......LOL!
Anyway, we had a good day under an Oak tree with our wares. Farmer's Market was relaxing and a good time. We met new people and saw some old friends from our days at Adrian FM. 'Scooter' stopped by too. He and I made plans for Molly's visit and had a good laugh over whether or not she would actually let us keep them.....(tilts head and smiles).
Aaron has left the building.........
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Sprint's version of "there's an 'app' for that"!
Aaron and Karen teaching each other how to use their new phones.
(Well actually, old phones. Newer model comes out tomorrow so Sprint was practically giving them away! Now that's MY kind of shopping!)
Aaron watching video
Karen picking out new 'wallpaper'
Really good news is, they may be answering your next that they can actually see what is on the screen. Or not!
"Columbo" gone but not forgotten
Watching NBC Nightly News I heard that Peter Falk died today. I always enjoyed watching his series. He was also the 'Lovable Grandfather' in "Princess Bride".
September 16, 1927-June 24, 2011
There may really be a time warp associated with this house.......
Funny how in the shower this morning I knew it was Friday but when I got to Facebook just a few hours later, I thought it was Saturday. Could I have had that much fun between the shower and the computer that a whole day went by! LOL
Thanks to Aaron Abraham, former MC CSD 'workmate', for bringing me back to my senses by posting that he was working 1 to 10 today! Even then, I didn't catch on right away thinking that they were making him work on Saturday. Oh lordy, they're going to send the men with the straight jacket soon.....giggles!
I told you this was going to be an amusing day!
Might need to get a light put in above my shower.....
or perhaps, just open my eyes.
This morning I shaved one whole leg with the razor guard inplace. (In my own defense, the guard is clear and I could plainly see the blades through it!) Anyway, amusing way to start my Friday........giggles ;)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wii Sports with Grandma Marlys
Stephen, dropping the ball behind the foul line.
(Did you know that when you lose the ball behind you in Wii Sports Bowling the crowd jumps up and does a 360 turn.....hilarious and worth doing over and over again! These boys thought it was amusing and an easy way to entertain Grandma Marlys............giggles)
Jorden, picking up that spare.
Found out that Jorden and Stephen KNOW how to run the Wii. They challenged me to a game of bowling (we only have one controller working right now and I am BIG into playing games where everybody can participate). I bowled left handed so I can 'exercise' my left shoulder. My range of motion is shot in that shoulder (though the right one isn't far behind). I thought maybe left handed Wii bowling would help.
Now, these boys play to win and they were excited that Grandma Marlys would not be playing with her 'wrong' hand. By the last few frames my shoulder was beginning to 'complain' but I managed to hang on and beat them anyway. Next games, I bowled right handed, though average wise I really didn't do too much better. (Always fun when they THINK they are going to beat you!)
A peek at Aaron's BIG screen video setup
Note the seating arrangement (l to r): Aaron, then Karen (Where does she put her legs?), and Ike on the mat. Then, over under the window is the loveseat he offered me so I could watch him play.
Yeah, maybe you should TURN the volume down!
My Grandpas would be proud ........
to watch these little boys 'clean' their plates with bread!
Just passing on a little family tradition.......
This PLAN 'sabotage thingie' must be going around.......
Yesterday....well, last night....I had a plan (I had been thinking about it for a couple days-----don't want to rush into anything you know). Anyway, we have talked about moving my living room around to accommodate video game playing since even before we moved the TV. This required that I be willing to 'give up' some of the precious items I have collected over the years. So you can see why it took so long for me to get to it.
But, now I am ready. I wanted to do it when nobody was around so I could think it through without a second opinion......never mind that I am NOT going to be the one playing these video games.....sounds like a 'corporate decision' now doesn't it! I made my initial furniture moves and in through the door came Aaron. "Moving the living room around"? as he heads for the hall closet. My first thought was: 'Lord, what could possibly be in there that HE wants......'? I forgot about the accessories to his video driving games. He pulls out the steering wheel, the 'gas' peddle, and starts to hunt for the power cord.
I was 10 minutes away from creating a different set up for the TV antenna (it usually has to sit on things to get it between 3 1/2 to 5 feet off the floor. Currently it was sitting on a stack of movies and games on a plant stand on a folding chair. Which, to my chagrin, were all right in the way of Aaron finding his power cord).
Ok, all is found and Aaron appears to be ready to go to 221 (he even restacked my 'antenna tower' and tried to get the station to hold a and sigh). This time home from CT, Aaron had mentioned that he was going to take the PS3 over to his house to play on his 'big screen' TV. I got curious and asked him what prompted doing it tonight (remember how I have been planning for months to move the furniture......), he said at 221 he would be able to 'play the games WITH cursing and not 'turn the air blue' like he does at my house. I appreciate that......I truly do! And, now I have a partially rearranged living room with no purpose......LOL Not to worry, it gets COLD in his house in the Winter. He'll be back!
Oh, on his way out the door I asked him if this meant I wouldn't see him again. He invited me over to watch him play....he even offered to move the loveseat out in the 'kitchen/living room area' so I would be comfortable. Let's see.....loud, big screen TV, more cursing (more and louder cursing), I think I'll take my chances that he'll get hungry or need clean clothes and wait it out in my own home. (Aaron tells me this morning he had the volume was turned up to 78 and Karen mentioned she had a hard time sleeping last night......go figure.....).
Now, if I could only figure out how to make the Wii work so Grandma Marlys could get good enough at some one of these games to beat ALL those boys, big and little............giggles......
So they DID learn a thing or two yesterday........
I think it's working! Woke up to this note on the kitchen counter. GREAT job boys!
(Sorry about the quality of the picture. I want to edit it but the picture manager I'd like to use only 'looks' at picture shortcuts and then they have to be in the correct folder. Got one to work earlier this week, quite by accident, but I have worked on this one for what seems like hours now and no such luck. Maybe when I retire I will have time to figure out how to get it to work. And, work every time, on purpose.....sigh!)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Summer Time Fun Gets a Rough Start.....
It started out innocent enough, three little boys asking if they could go to the side yard and swing. I had NO problem.![](
Instead of playing on the swings, they had gone first to the Slip'n Slide. I seriously don't have a problem with's mid morning and certainly hot enough to be playing in the water. But, what I DO have a problem with is telling me you are going to be one place and actually being in the opposite end of the house!
After a few words, a few tears, and about 20 minutes of sitting at the picnic table, we had a meeting of the minds. They understood that you ask permission, you be where you say you are going to be, you let Grandma Marlys know before you change locations and every body is happy. Ike even got in on the fun........yes, he had to sit through the lecture too!
And they played with one or more of the neighbors boys.....where they said they would be, every time, the whole rest of the day.
A little 'side note': When Karen came home, the boys were playing football. She said: "Hi", as always. She seldom gets a response, they usually just keep on playing. This day, to her delight, they came running over to greet her. Ethan spoke first: "Thank God you are home! Grandma Marlys made us shut off the Slip 'n Slide this morning and"...Karen interrupted: "Did you ask her permission before you turned it on?" Ethan studdered...."well, ah, no, but" Karen continued: "you know you have to ask permission and let Grandma Marlys know where you are at and what you are doing". Nuff said. Ethan and the boys went back to playing. Good for you Karen, backing up Grandma Marlys! (Sorry about your brused ego.....the boys and I will have to work on that!)
But, when I started out the door to check on them....I found these:
Jorden caught the ball on camera........
And even Ethan had a good time!
News from Alaska........
Just before 11 o'clock this morning, Molly called me to share how even the best of plans can go wrong........never know what kind of a call I am going to get from her. This is what I heard: gauge said: 'pressure low',' logically you would think I could get home to Bob and an air hose (which is where I was headed.' 'But the car started driving funny, I pulled over, tire was flat'). 'Stranded at the side of the road, during rush hour no less (remember how FEW roads there are in Juneau)' .
Keep an eye on her blog, as I am sure this will turn out to be a memorable day, or maybe, totally uneventful. Life can be so unpredictable, can't it Molly!
Breakfast at 7:30 in the morning?
Set my first alarm for 6:50 AM to be up in time to have breakfast ready before Aaron leaves for work; when the second alarm (7 AM) went off I was already brushing my teeth. Ok, so I am in the kitchen by 7:05 and pushed the button to begin brewing the coffee. Pans on stove, food out of frig......short time later breakfast is ready.......but where is Aaron?
At 8:30, or so, I called Aaron's phone and left a sad-smiley-face message: 'I guess you already headed for Ann Arbor, so I will turn off the burners and put the food away when it cools'.......
Shortly thereafter, he came through the door. "I was tired Ma."
He checked on the boys, ate his breakfast, and we talked about switching our phones to one plan next week, if it will be advangatious to all of us to be on one plan, that is. Then he headed for Ann Arbor and the boys and I are on our own until Karen gets home from work.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Hey Ma, weeds kinda got away from you?
Yes, Aaron, they did ........BIG time.
Actually, I HAVE worked on the flower beds. It's just that with all the rain and a' huge crop' of weeds it's hard to keep up. Besides, hot weather and I do NOT get along.
Doug has picked up Jorden and Stephen so it is just Ethan and me. The boys do not like 'work' but if you present it to them in the right way, they will help out a little while without thinking out loud, or saying under their breath, what a 'meanie' I am. I give it a try with Ethan: "How would you like to help me at the end of the house can use the 'cutting pliers'?" Now, I am not at all sure he even knows what 'cutting pliers' are, but he is game!
So out the door we go, and to the 'flower bed'. I have him carry my gardening stool, open the shed and get out the rake, and then show him what I need cut. Only other thing I had to tell him was 'ONLY the dead stuff'. He did a nice job.
(And, yes, I think he has his shirt on backwards. And, no, I did not make him wear those long pants....apparently they are his favorite.)
I need to BE in Ann Arbor by noon.......
Aaron got home last night a little after midnight. I waited up until 1:30 AM thinking he might park the truck in my drive, see the lights, and come in.......basically to let me know what time to make coffee and breakfast.
But, he didn't so this is the first I am hearing of his schedule.
I already knew he had some work lined up here in Michigan but Ethan is staying until Thursday so I wasn't sure what was going to transpire. I asked Aaron if he wanted breakfast and coffee.....sometimes when he is this late getting to my kitchen, Karen has already been to BK or MickyD's to get him something. "Yeah, Ma.". "Ok, how about pancakes, eggs, and coffee?" He said that sounded good and I headed for the kitchen. He took up a controller and began to play video games with Ethan. In the kitchen I started the coffee and turned on the burners to heat up the pans, then asked him what the plan was for the day. Nonchalantly he says: "I told them I would be in Ann Arbor by noon......" "HOLY COW, it's 11:03!" I exclaim. "Yeah, I can still make it if I leave in the next 12 minutes"., the coffee is already brewing, I fix a fried egg and cheese sandwich, he finishes his game, eats, and is on his merry way....about 15 minutes late. Which, in Aaron time, is almost 'on time'......giggles.
Monday, June 20, 2011
WE GOT THE BLUE BALL DOWN!...........but
Checking on the boys........
Ball stuck in tree......
Ethan says: "Look Grandma Marlys, Marky is trying to get the ball out of the tree." To which I say: "By throwing another ball after it?"
Marky: "I am going to throw it now."
Marky continues: "Ready? You guys watch where it lands."
Marky whispers to Stephen: "What do you say we just wait here while THEY look for it".
I only gave them a little over an hour to do their video game because I am going to watch my shows at three. For a game they could all play, they chose Rock Band, which worked out great because Marky showed up just as they were getting started. It worked out even better when they wanted to do a Beatles Tour.
"We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine......" Even Grandma Marlys could sing along!
The band played about half an hour and now are gone outside. Grandma Marlys gets to eat her big salad in peace.
Yum......lots of greens, shredded carrots and broccoli, sliced minibella's, grape tomatoes, Western dressing, and blazing hot peanuts! Oh, did I say 'yum' yet.....well, you just can't say it too many times with 'eats' like this.......giggles!
I will check on the boys later to see what they are doing. They may be 'out of sight' of this grandma but they're definitely NOT out of mind......(smiles).
Happy Birthday, "Molly B"
Said it this morning on Facebook, but I am saying it again.....for those of you who don't do FB! Ok, there is another reason: an Aunt Molly moment.
The three boys were playing in the living room, I was in the kitchen working on lunch. I am not sure what the conversations was because I didn't start listening until Jorden says: "Ethan Tate Barnes". Ethan replies with: "How do YOU know my middle name?". To which Jorden replies: "I heard Aunt Nellie call you that when she was here for the wedding!"
Oh yes, laughter ensued.....from me, from Ethan, and I even think Stephen got it.
I have told Jorden that he might want to take a refresher course in the names of his new before Aunt Molly gets back here in July. He was so cute about it, insisting he knows her name but it just 'popped' out wrong!
Afternoon Entertainment
I know, it looks like I only fed two of them.....but this is one of those rare occasions when Grandma Marlys allows 'restaurant style' lunching. Ethan wanted a turkey sandwich, so it didn't need to be on the grill.
After a fashion, I told them they could play a game that would allow ALL three to participate.
Finding one was no small feat.....all the usual video games they play can only play two at a time....only two controllers. Three boys, two controllers......what kind of a plan is that?
Trip back home was like horses heading for the barn......
Today I took Ethan, Jorden, and Stephen for a walk......amidst their objections, of course (giggles)!
First, to decide which directions we were going to walk, Stephen chooses West. However, I was the only one who had any idea which direction that was.
So, across the street and down the side was like herding turtles...that is, after I got them ALL in front of me. Uncertain of where we were going, they discussed crossing back to the other side of the street and going to the 'bar'....which is actually J&J's Party Store. When asked if they had any money....they said 'we thought we'd use yours'.....typical. But Grandma Marlys was smart enough not to bring any money, so we stayed right where we were and kept on 'trucking on down the sidewalk'....yes, they imitated trucks after I said that.
Eventually, after almost 25 minutes and a bunch of other silly stuff, we arrived at the school playground. I headed straight for the swings, as did they. After a couple minutes, Ethan said, 'Grandma Marlys, I didn't know you were so much fun'. Awe.......way to butter me up Ethan!
After a fashion, Stephen headed for the slide, the other two followed, and I found a picnic table. In about 15 minutes of watching them 'playing around and bumping each other' a couple older boys showed up with a basketball. I was ready to leave, but decided they would enjoy playing with others, so I just watched. Soon a teenage girl walked up to me and asked if I was their mom. I confessed to being their grandmother and we chatted for a little while. Then she went to play with the two young girls who had come over to the playground earlier with the boys. It appeared they were all her siblings.
Standing there watching, I began to size up the ball game. From a distance it looked like every time Ethan got the ball, it got taken away from him. I walked over to talk to him about it and he told me 'I am the ref'! Who knew....looked more like he was not getting a turn to me....giggles.
Soon we were heading back home. While at the playground I had thought there was some rain activity, but it was so sparse that I decided it wasn't happening. Not happening that is until we where within sight of the house.....then we got wet!
So we, rather they, ran from tree to tree, dodging the mud puddles.....until they saw Grandma Marlys walking right through them....'Hey boys, I have 'water' shoes on; you don't!'....after which they started dodging the puddles again.
It has only been 10 minutes since we left the play ground and like 'horses heading for the barn, we are now all together at a drive across from Venice Street, where we cross the road. They are all excited to get in the house ahead of me so they can play video games......but, I am ahead of them on that thought.....(I had said they could play when it was raining' but, the rain is over.......'oh, man'.) Somebody comes up with the idea of playing left-handed-batting baseball. Good, that will keep them outside for a while and I can get lunch ready.
Angelica and 'some' of her siblings.....
When I took Angelica home yesterday I asked to get a picture of these four kids. It was NO small feat...but I think these pictures show their personalities the best. Renee came up with the 'line up' theme. Pretty neat!
Ethan road back with me and we talked about his 'memory'. He hadn't seen the twins in a long time and didn't really recognize them. We talked about how Ali and Isaac are Angelica's sister and brother but not his; he seemed to get it. He talked about Ali walking right up to him and 'looking at him right in the eyes'. I laughed, "She does have the cutest grin when she does that."
Then he asked "did you see what Isaac did when he saw me?" I said, "you mean shake your hand and then hug you?" "Yeah", Ethan said. Then he said, "I think they are really good friends to me. No other kids I know do that when I don't see them for a really long time."
Awe, how sweet.....brings tears to my eyes again today. So, keep scrolling to see the rest of the pictures:
Sunday, June 19, 2011
This Gives 'Keep it Between the Lines' a WHOLE New Meaning
What an intense drive to take Angelica home! It's race weekend and Angelica needs to be home so she will be ready for 'work' tomorrow. She watches Alexandria and Isaac during the week while her Mom and Brett work. So, off to Adrian we go.......
Drive was uneventful, until we got to Brooklyn. Police were redirecting traffic to the West at Brooklyn Road and M50. I turned around at Country Market and headed back to M124. Nice leisurely drive, that is until we got to US12. Two cones straight out from the left turn lane and State Police sitting on the right. I quickly decided to turn right and go down the road until I figured out which 'lane' was mine. Ok, got it......made my left turn into a drive and headed back East to Tipton Highway to take Angelica home.
Easier said than done. Driving straddling the line gave me a spaced out feeling and the words 'keep it between the lines' played over and over in my head. Good news is this is the only stretch of road I will travel today that has cones.....for we took Sharon Hallow Road to get home. Be sure and ask Ethan how he felt about that.....insisted that he was NEVER going to see Napoleon Road again! Silly boy, I have my GPS right beside me.......giggles (maybe somebody, like Aunt Mary, has told him that it's no guarantee I won't get lost....LOL)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Now I Am OFFICIALLY Retired.......
Friday, June 17, 2011:
Got my final direct deposit from Masco Cabinetry today so now I consider that I am officially retired and I can stop being 'on vacation'. I think my family here and at 221 will appreciate that! We are growing a pretty healthy weed crop right now which keeps the plants and flowers we want to show case from flourishing. I picked up Angelica tonight around midnight and, for now, we are hanging out for a while before bed. Weeds can wait until morning.
Saturday, June 18, 2011:
Actually, not going to think much about weeds as the rest of the family, Karen and the three boys, have gone camping for the night so we are, as Angelica put it: 'feeling the love' and determined to stay up as if we were sleeping in tents. Silly isn't it ? I know I am going to feel the 'silly' in the morning. I have already been up 19 hours with maybe 30 minutes nap in 10 minute intervals throughout the day! I am getting too old for this kind of stuff.....giggles! Angelica is playing some kind of 'shoot 'em up military game and looks settled in for the duration. I am typing with one eye open and feeling the urge to put my head down. Better get going before .....zzzzzzzzzzz (too late!)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
'If You Don't Have Any Plans'..........A Day of Awakening for Grandma Marlys
I got up around 7:50 AM and right away wondered why I hadn't heard Karen and the boys. When I read the note I was relieved, believing they were asleep in the bedroom here at my house and convenienced they didn't make the usual noise because they didn't want me to put them to work......giggles. The pancake mix was on the counter so again, I believed Karen had fed them breakfast....very quietly and without evidence of anybody even eating here this morning. Very strange I thought........(Oh WHEN will my brain wake up......).
Just about then, Stephen and Jorden came through my back door and my brain awoke with a startle! How did they get from this bedroom and out the door. And, why were they wearing their baseball uniforms again....they don't have another game until Thursday? So I asked them. 'Oh, we were asleep at 221 and just woke up to come over here', Jorden said. I am so confused but glad they haven't gotten into any trouble 'on my watch'......yet!
I am only slightly amused by what happened later, after I told them they couldn't stay inside all day and play 'video' games. 'Ok, Grandma Marlys, we won't'. They went outside all right.....across the yard, through the fence row and into 221 to play 'video' games over there. You fooled me once, boys......but I have your number now!
So, anyway.....Doug just came and picked them up for the night. What a couple of tricksters they were today......gotta love 'em!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Grandma Marlys.....Where Are My Baseball Clothes?
Despite that fact, I just can't stop both cases (separately) ....when Stephen asked me and then when Jorden asked me, they were standing right beside the uniforms. It still makes me laugh!
So, I wonder, at what age does the 'male of the species' learn to be observant.....giggles......(wink!)
Note to Family and Friends on Facebook
It occurred to me today that I should probably apologize to those of you I 'catch' on Facebook Chat. This is what I think is happening to me:
- I am going through ECWS (Electronic Communications Withdrawal Syndrome).
- Yes, I believe this to be a legitimate 'disease' that was brought on by retirement.
- I am still having trouble adjusting, especially between 6 PM and 10 PM, to not being in front of a computer....typing, typing, typing.....
- But I think I will get over it soon.....Molly will be here in about three weeks.
Hey, YOU! Get Away From My Fledgling.....
...that sure sounded like what he was chirping about! Sorry Papa, it only a camera. I wouldn't even know there was a baby bird out here if you didn't sit on the fence so much. Yes, up in that tree I never would have seen you.
When I went out the back door to take some pictures, I saw the Mama bird fly off to get food. I think she told her baby to be really still and not say a word because it took me a long time to even find it. Nice job, Mama and Papa, keeping your baby safe. And, nice job, Baby, minding what you are told.
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