Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Decision: Waving of a 'Magic Wand' in Michigan Evokes 'A Miracle' in Kentucky

Well, maybe not quite; but so close I am glowing from the light!
Tonight, for the first time in a long time, I actually felt that what I know from my nearly 26 years with the same company is still useful.
It was a medium busy night; I had lots to do and not too many calls or email so that I should be able to get done on time. Then, at 9:18 PM I received a ROBOT page that TAP09 was in MSGW (Message Wait). Rats, this happened on Monday night too! I called Zach, left a message, and headed for the Computer Room to check it out. Tape Drive was SEQ dONE not SEQ Ready.....that's a problem. Before I fiddled with any of the buttons I decided to call Zach again....this time he answered. We discussed the situation, got the tape seated and SEQ Ready....I answered the message and it took off. Whew! Looks like I'll get out on time after all.
NOT SO FAST! I still had two more desktop computers to ghost and needed to get to a stopping point with the accounts I was creating. So, just like anytime when you are busy, I had to head for the restroom before I took on the last 20 minutes of my shift.....giggles. I had put the phone on standby and returned to find a queue call holding for 2:14 min/sec. I took a deep breath and answered the call. It was one of the plant people from Mt. Sterling and he needed more than an account unlock. I listened as he explained that he needed to find a way to get the JDE/OW order numbers that were on the load he had just completed on the AS400 so he could invoice and have the paperwork ready for tomorrow morning. The load was bound for Canada and it couldn't cross the border without these printed documents and he didn't realize that he hadn't taken print screens of them and they were gone from the 400 he was in a pickle. When he stopped to draw a breath I told him that I knew exactly what he was talking about because when I started working here (that 26 years ago end of May) I worked in traffic creating, releasing, and assigning loads for our truck fleet, common carriers, AND to Canada. He heaved a big sigh of relief and we started going over what information he did have that we could use to find the information he needed.
LONG story short, just before we got off the phone he told me he was glad I was the one who answered and that I was a miracle worker! Tonight, that was just what I needed to hear......sigh.

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