Saturday, April 25, 2009

Decision: Aaaaah.....To Go Hatless!

As the weather has gotten warmer, so has wearing hats! Today we visited Aaron's place and Mom went 'hatless' Here are some pics of her and Aaron (I took him a storage cabinet, still in the original box, that he found a use for immediately. One more thing I won't have to store!)


Bob and Molly said...

Few things:
First, is that a piano in my brothers house? If so, why?
Second, that cabinet would look really great in my classroom and yes, I do need one, thank you.
Third, hallelujah! Does that mean you're down any storage units?
In your favor, that little thinkg that Gram sent a while back, George Carlin, he said surround yourself with things you love. I know say do that, at Aaron's. I give you permission to keep as much as you want, there.

Marlys said...

Yes, that is a piano; it was part of a 'deal' when he got the TV, I think.
Was I going to send you that cabinet and I forgot or something?
No, it did not eliminate a storage unit BUT it did create a hole in which to put things from another storage's a slow process you know.
Giving permission to keep as much as I want, at your brother's....did you happen to mention that to him (like when you were telling him about the Italian Herb Bread!....No wonder I feel so much guilt...when you gang up on me like that! He played it very well; I was clueless, overcome by guilt, wondering how on earth he knew, and promising him I would bring it next week.....until he confessed he had help from you!)