Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Decision: Deadline for 2008 Taxes

The words 'dead' and 'taxes' in the same sentence....sounds appropriate!

Those of you who know me well know that I started and finished my income taxes today. It's the same every year......I like the surprise. Although, it has become rather routine.....owe Federal a third of what I get back from State. Not so anymore. I still owe Federal, but I am breaking even with State. So, I returned 308 and one half pop bottles and paid my Federal. I wonder how long before the bottles will need a storage unit of their own so I can stay even with Uncle Sam!

And, if you see my cousins, Jan and Dan, wish them Happy Anniversary. I know they were married on April 15.....but, darn if I remember the year! Anybody with a better memory....can you fill in the blanks for me????

1 comment:

Bob and Molly said...

I think that you should have boxed up the cans and mailed those in.
I can't really "make a jab" at you this year, since mine also got filed on the 15th. But I did not do it intentionally! Nor will it happen again next year. Hey, when do we get to start claiming you as a dependent?