Sunday, April 26, 2009

Decision: Update: Going Hatless........

Mom went to church 'hatless' this morning and reports that it was a rousing success!
Audra met Mom at the door and asked her to usher with Uncle Jim, Uncle Dave, and her.....pretty cool.
Jim P. told her she was beautiful!  Charlie S. told her she was beautiful!   Others told her she looks wonderful and so on and so forth.  I say, 'Indeed you do Mother!'
Look over the pictures below and let's hear what the rest of you think.  Her hair is coming in very quickly and she is even considering 'spiking' it like wouldn't that be a hoot!


Once Upon a Farm said...

I pay good money to see her spike it..... :)

Bob and Molly said...

I think that she should spike it and dye it hot pink! or purple! or another wild and fun color!