Monday, May 4, 2009

Note to Mom......with Love

Well Mother, as usual I am running behind on Monday morning.....the weekend is always so short.
The cat and I did our best to put things back where they should be.  But, the cat's memory isn't what it used to be and trying to remember from Friday night to Monday morning is a challenge....all in all, she did her best!
The empty chip bag on the kitchen counter is so you can see they were Michigan made.....where they were Michigan made is the really cool read the back of the bag.  The check is for Shaklee, gas, and stuff....if it's too little or too much we will have to take up another time.  There, once again, is more food in the refrig than was there when you left.  Some of it I had to bring back from Aaron's because he just wasn't going to use it up before Wednesday.  It was all on sale so fresh dates are always a factor.  There is pineapple juice in the cupboard too, as I needed some for a recipe I made for Aaron on Sunday.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!  I will see you soon (probably sooner than usual) and will let you know after I see what is going on in Adrian (work, Yoga, weather, apartment, and storage).


Bob and Molly said...

I think it's pretty sad, blaming the cat!

Marlys said...

That's OK, she got in trouble anyway because she was sleeping (where she shouldn't have been) and didn't greet Mom at the door!