Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Cell Phone that Exhibits Freudian Tendencies?

One might think so as you read this:
I got a two-way call at 2:46 AM this morning. I have gotten them before and I don't reconize the number and just let it go. But this time it was Aaron, so I answered it. He said, 'Ya? That sounded like a question, so I said, 'Did you call me or did I call you? It's this cell phone. I have noticed that when it gets to 'low battery' sometimes it calls you.'  he said.  We said our good nights and get off the phone.
As I am getting snuggled back to bed, I can't help but think of how cool it is that his phone 'reaches out' when it gets low on energy.....kind of like little children wanting to be snuggled.  As I once more drifted off to sleep, I kept thinking 'ET, phone home....ET, phone home......'  On one level it's creepy; but on that 'motherly level', it is SO cool!


Bob and Molly said...

Oh, so when he calls you at a crazy hour it's cute, when I call I am lucky to get an answer, huh

Marlys said...

You're a 'half empty' sort of gal now aren't you Molly. (Besides, with the time difference, any time you call is either weird on your end or weird on mine!)
I hope that doesn't stop Aaron, or you, or Denise from calling ever....even if it is just your cell phone getting low on battery and phoning home!

Once Upon a Farm said...

What - no comment about ET???/ :)

Bob and Molly said...

Scott, Ethan Tate?