Monday, December 15, 2008

Decision: Pride 'Wenteth' Right Smach-Dab Before This Fall......Will I Ever Learn!

I don't think I even know where to start with this one.....but here goes!
I am OnCall this weekend (and this whole week past, for that matter). Anyway, I make the schedule so you would think that could have found a way to get out of it when we had two weeks in a row that those originally scheduled have left the company. But, I couldn't get any volunteers, so here I am.
Now the pride part: when I went in to bed, as I placed the OnCall phone on the chair, I remember thinking (with pride) how incredibly lucky I had been given all the time I spent without my laptop handy this weekend not to get a call….huge, gigantic, enormous mistake….. First call came at 3:51 AM from Vikranth in India; he was trying to work on instance ASCP (whatever that is) and it was down. All the other instances were up but that one. Even though it was nearly 4 AM in the States, he wanted me to wake somebody up and find out when it would be fixed…..couldn't’wait. OK, so I asked him for his phone number, which he gave to me at the ‘speed of light’. I asked for it slowly, and he obliged….after all, my brain never functions at the ‘speed of light’ even when I am awake.

So, I know how to reach him....all I have to do is find somebody who can fix the thing. We have a list of Oracle OnCall people (that's the software he was referring to) but the person who is supposed to be called for this particular issue, does not have a phone number listed. (Sometimes the information we are given is just to 'appease' and isn't really of value when you actually try to use it.) So, I pick another person and number that I think will do and call him. Now there are at least two if us in Michigan awaken at 4 AM.....oh joy!
These pictures I took show me 'waiting' for the third call from Vikranth and on the phone with him on the fourth call....he called about every half an hour. But, when 6 AM rolled around, I put the phone on forward (to the CSD....6 AM guy was there) and TURNED IT OFF!
Maybe I can get some sleep now......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Bob and Molly said...

You asked for it!

Jordan Richardson said...

This is your JOB you know that money they give you every two weeks that is for this waking up and working.. I just hope you did not call INDIA from that phone with my name on the bill!! LMAO..