Monday, September 1, 2008

Decision: Another Generation of 'Cat Talkers'?

Well, I supposed I will have to yield to him.....Ethan, that is!
I had the pleasure of spending many hours (to days) alone with Ethan this weekend at Great Grandma's (Mom's). Ethan and I spent Saturday and Sunday night at 'Richardson Retreat' while Great Grandma was away with the rest of the family (save Amanda, Devin, and Denver as mentioned yesterday). Anyway, this morning Ethan insisted that Great Grandma was 'here'; after all he had seen her car on Friday when I came to pick him up. Never mind that he hadn't seen her, not even on Friday.....he insisted she was here. Such a silly boy; I wonder where he thought she was hiding all this time.........(giggles)!
But what really got to me was yesterday when I realized that he too can carry on a conversation with the cat, Fuzzy. Only, much to his credit, he 'speaks in cat'....mimicking her meow perfectly. I felt completely out of it as I did not understand a single utterance! It went on about 6 minutes or so and both seemed satisfied with the result of their interaction......what a remarkable little fellow our Ethan is!


Bob and Molly said...

He sure can entertain himself. But I too an curious as to where he thought Gram was hiding. Did you ask him?

Marlys said...

I did, but it was more of a rhetorical question as he was off and running to the parlor to resume the PlayStation2! I just laughed and shook my head at his insistence that she was around there somewhere.....